However, the constraint of the using desire and the process of releasing incriminatory sense put the image users onto the passive position of Bauhaus. 它是对使用包豪斯的欲望的表达,是包豪斯对使用者的认同。
The implicitness and incompleteness of consumer contracts, the constraint of information costs, and market monopolies give rise to the relatively weak contracting position of consumers. 消费者契约的隐含性和不完全性、信息成本约束、市场垄断势力等造成了消费者相对弱势的契约地位。
Considering the practical constraint of PAR antenna's granularity of beam, a measuring method on the optimality of the beam position sequence is presented and applied to the analysis and evaluation of the beam position sequence of the digital phasing PAR. 考虑到实际相控阵天线波束跃度的限制,提出了波位序列最佳性的度量方法,对数字移相式的相控阵天线波位序列进行了分析和评估。
In this paper mechanical architecture and the working principle of 6-HTRT Parallel Robot are introduced. The algorithm of Inverse Position of the parallel robot considering the constraint conditions and the judgement criterion in the case of multi-answer of Inverse Position are presented. 本文介绍了新型6-HTRT并联机器人的机构型式和工作原理,给出了考虑到约束条件的位置逆解算法和存在多组解时的逆解选取准则。
This article was applying PSO on the sequence alignment, given the constraint condition of initial position of particles and moving strategy in the process of particles 'flying. 本文将粒子群优化算法应用于解决序列比对问题上,并结合序列比对特点给出了粒子初始位置的约束条件和粒子在运动过程中的移动策略,通过实验说明了方法的可行性和有效性。
The Right to Prove of civil action is the right to be a constraint of the judicial jurisdiction and protection of parties 'the dominant position in civil justice. 民事诉讼中的证明权,指保障当事人在民事诉讼司法证明中的主体地位,制衡法官裁量权的应然性权利。